This is the final post before Saturday’s event.
Currently there are about 35 of the 50 seats sold. You can still buy on line or take the chance and just turn up.
I have “partnered” with the BBC and this event is now part of “The Great British Story“.
If you have purchased a ticket online – no need to print anything out to bring with you. The BIS will supply a list of names that we will check against during registration. Please arrive around 09:30 for the 09:50 start.
A short discussion, about 10 minutes will take place during the lunch break to consider/plan the “next” BIS northern meeting. All welcome to participate.
There will be a raffle. I will be donating a copy of my book “Yuri Gagarin in Manchester and London” – other donations welcome.
Do bring a packed lunch if you like. Lunch has not been organised as part of this event although hot drinks will be available.
David Woods will have copies of his book “How Apollo Flew to the Moon” for sale on the day.
There has been a change to the running order. Download, print and bring this pdf with you for Saturday. It containing the updated program and other details.
Good Morning Gurbir.
A big thank you from my family and me on the BIS Northern meeting in York on the 19/5/12 . The event was well presented and organised. All people concerned were very friendly and made us all very welcome. All the talks were very good and have gave me food for thought for future newsletter topics. I am very happy to add you site to my links pages and look forward to reading your blog and tweets. thank you Dave Bood (Astronomy Wise)
Thanks for joining us yesterday and it was great to meet you.
I had a look at your site Great site and keep it up. I particularly liked the star chart – tucked away right at the bottom of the home page.
A brief report here
A very interesting mix of young and old, members and non-members attended the first BIS Northern of the 21st century in York on 19th May. Almost 50 guests some members but mostly non-members participated in making the first BIS Northern meeting of the 21st century a huge success. Thanks to all who came and helped.
Even before the day was over, a popular question was – when are we doing it again? I have been delighted to see enthusiastic email traffic over the last couple of days from talented and experienced individuals and feel confident that we will. If you are based in the north and want to help shape future meetings (even if you missed this one) join in on the debate.