C3844735 10:00 Tue July 28th Britain in Space. The story of Britain’s space programme. Single presentation. Online and Free register here.

- Early rocketry Societies in England
- Development of British Ballistic Missile & Nuclear Tests in Australia
- Launch Satellite of Black Arrow & satellite Prospero from Woomera
- British Astronauts Helen Sharman & Tim Peake
- UK Spaceports
- Virgin Galactic & Orbit
- SSTL and Skylon
C3844737 10:00 Thu July 30th. The Day the Cosmonaut came to Manchester. Single presentation. Free and online. Register here.
This presentation is based on my 2011 book – Yuri Gagarin in London and Manchester. It will cover

- Gagarin’s achievement?
- What was he like as an individual?
- Why he came to Britain?
- Where in London and Manchester he went and who he met?
- Legacy of his visit?
C3844797 11:00 Fri July 31st Covid-19 Facts and Fiction. Single presentation. Online and free. register here.

With support from Dr James Anson, a microbiologist and medical director at Liverpool Clinical laboratories, we explore the truth behind the globally popular myths listed on the World Health Organisation website.
C3844740 Staying Safe online. Starts Mon 3rd August. Introduction to key concepts and principles in information security for home computer users. Four weekly sessions. Register here

17:15 Aug 3rd Week1: Cyber Security concepts – an introduction
17:15 Aug 6th Week2: Common Cyber Attacks
17:15 Aug 10 Week3: Secure home working
17:15 Aug 13
Week4: Online Tools and resources