London 2nd June 2018 – 38th BIS Russian Sino Technical Forum 2018
The British Interplanetary Society The British Interplanetary Society 27-29 South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1SZ, Londonn, United KingdomAnatoly Artsebarsky Speakers include Cosmonaut Anatoly Artsebarsky and Phil Clark, Andrew Knight, Phil Mills, Galina Nechitailo, David Shayler, Bert Vis, Andrew Thomas, Bert Vis, Brian Harvey, Bart Hendrickx, Sven Grahn. […]
India and China – A new Space Race?
Gardeners Arms, Droitwich Gardeners Arms, Droitwich, Wocester, Worcestershire WR9 8LU, United KingdomA free public talk at the Gardeners Arms, Droitwich, Worcestershire WR9 8LU on Saturday 16th March starting at 13:45. The talk will provide an overview of the space programmes of India and China. Whilst China is way ahead of India in its space capabilities, the drive for national prestige and self-sufficiency that motivated the USA/USSR 1960s space race in the 1960s is evident today in Asia.
Arthur C. Clarke House 27-29 South Lambeth Road 27-29 South Lambeth Road, London, United Kingdom
This is the annual 2-day (the weekend of 1st and 2nd June) Sino-Russian forum with a series of talks. Mine will be on the first day about India's Lunar missions. For costs and booking - https://www.bis-space.com/2018/12/06/21397/39th-bis-russian-sino-prev-soviet-chinese-technical-forum-2019