Not very astronomical but may be of interest, especially if you are in Northwest England and express geeky tendencies. You may be aware that uses an extremely popular blogging platform called WordPress. No? No matter.
WordPress users and developers around the world have annual get-togethers to talk about the latest developments in WordPress through something called “Wordcamp”. The first UK Wordcamp was in Birmingham in 2008, in Cardiff last year and next weekend it comes to Manchester. More here.
I recorded this interview with Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little WordPress founding developers last year. Here is another minute and a half of “silliness” not included in the original recording.
Matt turned up at Cardiff wearing a hat. He posted a picture on his blog displaying the odd haircut which triggered the hat but I cannot find it now. Matt – next time you attend a wordcamp in the UK wearing a hat, make it a stetson, we won’t let you in otherwise:) You are a Texan!
[…] Video Interview of when both were in attendance at WordCamp UK Manchester July of 2010. This was the interview with the famous quote by Matt, I met a guy who said he met his wife because of WordPress, I told him wow, I haven’t used that plugin […]